Friday, November 21, 2014

Find your fit!!!!

hi, so I'm working on writing about my fitness journey, although this may take a while, it will absolutely be a good worth while read, thank you for your time,

Since Jan 3, 2013 I have decided that I wasn't happy with my life and the
way I felt playing with my kids, I would get winded just jogging with them in the back yard, so I made so abrupt changes. first i started to look at what i was eating, and i wasnt exercising, alot but i began twice a day . . .   back in my younger years I was a cheerleader and man did I have some killer looking legs, and my belly was flat and I was happy and healthy.

the last year and a half I've been seeing a therapist, really searching within myself to see who I wanted to become, to find out who I really am and what I'm worth , and believing in myself.  see after losing my parents I've been through a lot of things, and just like anyone else, life goes on and I have three beautiful children that I wanted to be healthy for.

around march time I decided that I would sign up for some classes at the y and maybe spice things up a bit, little did I know what that actually meant for me.  I went to my first turbo kick class and I thought oh man I am never coming back, ugh but laurie the teacher said don't worry your gonna hate it but then you're gonna love it even more. so for the next eight weeks I drug myself to turbo kick there were days I'd rather be laying on the couch all comfy and frumpy and grumpy, but I liked being out of the house among other women it was a bit empowing, and even encouraging at times.

then I started going to the fitness center couple times a week, didn't really know what I was doing but I was determined to learn. Was I losing weight, no not really, was I getting results, maybe, was I eating right?? Definetly not!!!
so I talked with laurie about what I can do to sort of speed things up?? she suggested eating a good breakfast, hmm who knew right?? so I tried it, I felt better and better everytime I went to workout because my body had fuel to work with.
still not seeing results! I got frustrated and wanted to quit, but I soon learned they have personal trainers ?? hmm interesting I thought about it, I liked seeing them with their clients, it looked like they were having fun and the clients looked healthy too!!
so talked it over with my husband, about meeting with one to kinda see where I stood, could I be a client? Was I trainable?? did I want those stunning results (hell yes)
so I turned in my information to the manager and I waited, a day or two, but I got a call, it was a man?? hmm bryan never heard of him around the gym, he said he was pretty new to the YMCA and asked if I could meet with him, mind you I'm in the middle of doing a billion and one things at time, plus I think I was driving (bad mom). so I agreed to meet with him, after going over some first official fitness 101 protocol and weights and measurements, we talked about my fitness goals, weight loss,  and learning equipment, two simple goals, or so I thought.  he suggested eating right, getting my cardio in by going to turbo kick, and then he'd show me around and get me familiar with the equipment!!!