Saturday, December 6, 2014

Abs separation, carrying babies around in your tummy!

If you have children, you maybe wondering why you can't get a flat belly, no matter how much or hard you train or try to lose weight???

first thing I'd like to tell you about is what happens when our bellies and babies grow, our rectus abdominal muscle separate into two halves left and right, they spread apart at the bodies mid line fascia, the Linea Alba.

widening and thinning of the mid line tissue occurs in response to the force of the uterus pushing against the abdominal wall, in conjunction with pregnancy and hormones that soften the connective tissue, A mid line of more than 2 to 2.5 finger-widths
or 2 centimeters , is considered problematic.
Diastasis recti can occur at anytime in the last half of pregnancy when the abdominal wall is fax and the inner mid line tissue remains too wide, causing problems

Diastasis recti can also be seen in infants and adults with excessive abdominal fat.

I am here to tell you it's not too late and it can be fixed and repaired with the proper nutrition and core  stabilizers development exercises!!! Plus lots of heavy lifting
even just picking up the heaviest dumbbell that you think you can carry and go walking around the gym with them in a farmer carry will help develop those muscles, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
I am a person with this after going under the knife for three kids i have had a substantial amount abdominal separation, with organs being moved around and take in and out, I also have quite a bit of scar tissue around my mid section and a decent layer of fat that I'm saving just for the heck of it!!!

So give it a shot work on the developing that core/ midsection of your body, by doing some planking
perhaps only try holding one for ten seconds and don't forget to breathe and squeeze your abs.

Strength does not come from physical capacity, it comes from indomitable will. ~GANDHI

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