Tuesday, January 31, 2023

radical acceptance

 What is radical acceptance?

DBT Skill: Radical Acceptance

Radical acceptance is when you stop fighting reality, stop responding with impulsive or destructive behaviors when things aren't going the way you want them to, and let go of bitterness that may be keeping you trapped in a cycle of suffering.
So the short and skinny of this, imagine there is time line of past events in front of you happy moments, sad moments, memories of when traumatic things happened.  So with radical acceptance, the work that you are doing through Cognitive behavioral therapy is taking that date or specific time period in your life, and leaving it where it was, not picking back up and taking it with you where ever you go.  This has brought me some clarity about certain things in my past, of which I will not go into detail of. 
what does God say about acceptance?
God invites us to accept the inescapable realities placed in front of us. We can either turn away from that acceptance of life and continue on our own, or we can plunge into the 'reality of the situation' and try to find God there in new ways.
I am willing to accept things as they are the events of the past are not effecting my everyday situations.  

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